In QuEST Of New Technologies


First-of-its kind symposium on Quantum Technologies held at IIITH during 11-13 April brought great minds from the government, industry, and academia to brainstorm about the future.   When the Indian government decided to step up its research efforts in the field

Growth brought about by the Living Lab


With the advent of the new initiative taken by Indias National Smart Cities Mission, there is an important role levied on smart cities across the country to drive economic growth and improve the quality of life by harnessing technology and

Smart City Living Lab


The Smart City Living Lab at Hyderabad’s International Institute of Information Technology (IIITH) campus is the first unique and dynamic location in India where safety, security and sustainability is combined into a real-time innovation platform where development and testing of

IIITH & NIMS To Digitally Disrupt Pathology


With the installation of a digital scanner at Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) to convert traditional histopathological slides into computerized images, IIIT Hyderabad takes the first step towards the creation of an Indian Pathology Dataset.  A glass slide, a

A Smart Space For Exploring Urban City Solutions


Modern technology impacts life. But to witness its deployment first-hand for improving the quality of urban life, a tour of the Smart City Living Lab situated at the International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIITH) is warranted.  With recent alarming

Raj Reddy Centre for Technology & Society


There’s good news in the pipeline for India’s rural healthcare system. A roundtable on ‘Technology to address the last mile in Healthcare’, hosted by IIITH’s Raj Reddy Centre for Technology & Society, grappled with challenges in the rural Medicare system