2 February


10 Km Run A 10 km run has been organised by PEC on 2 February, Saturday. The run will start beside the Basketball court and the reporting time is 6:15am.

2 – 3 February


Theatre Workshop - Three daughters   Day 1: "Body-Object-Space-Story" Time: 2 to 6pm Date: 2nd February Venue: Tarangini dance room Summary: This workshop will explore the body-object relationship and its dynamics within performance space. It will engage in exploring the

2 – 4 December


5th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands The 5th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands (IC2UHI) is devoted to the science, engineering and public policies to help relieve excess heat and air pollution in urban environments

2 January 2019


KCIS Distinguished Lecture by Andrew Zisserman on Learning from Sight and Sound   Abstract of the talk The talk will describe self-supervised learning from videos with sound and will be divided into two parts. The first will describe self-supervised learning

19 – 21 January 2019


Felicity 2019 Felicity is back with a bang! This year, Felicity, the annual techno-cultural fest of IIIT Hyderabad is celebrating "Superheroes" from 19 - 21 January 2019. Felicity 2019 is locked, loaded, fully ready and excited to take you through

2 – 4 December  2019


5th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands The 5th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands (IC2UHI) is devoted to the science, engineering and public policies to help relieve excess heat and air pollution in urban environments