Suba S


Suba S supervised by Dr. Nita Parekh received  her doctorate in  Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Here’s a  summary of her research work on From Pixels to Prognosis: Machine Learning Solutions for Critical Healthcare Challenges: Application of machine learning methods

Soham Choudhuri


Soham Choudhuri by Dr. Bhaswar Ghosh received  his doctorate in Computational Natural Sciences  (CNS). Here’s a  summary of his research work on Data-driven drug discovery and application in malaria: Traditional drug discovery and development processes are time-consuming and costly, with

Pranav and Anush win Dynamic Pricing Competition


A team from Computer Systems Group comprising Anush Anand, B.Tech Honors; Pranav Agrawal, B.Tech Honors; and Dr. Tejas Bodas won the dynamic pricing competition 2024. The team leveraged their expertise in Gaussian Processes and Bayesian Optimization to optimize pricing strategies

Ramya G


Ramya G  supervised by Prof. Abhijit Mitra received her doctorate in Bioinformatics. Here’s a summary of her research work on Investigating the role of non-coding RNAs in the etiology of diseases: Non-coding RNAs, including non-coding regions of pre-mRNAs, though they

Thrupthi Ann John


Thrupthi Ann John supervised by Prof.  Jawahar C V received  her doctorate in  Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Here’s a  summary of her research work on Interpretation and Analysis of Deep Face Representations: Methods and Applications: The rapid growth of

Amit Sharma


Amit Sharma supervised by Dr. Vinod Palakkad Krishnanunni  received his Master of Science by Research in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Here’s a summary of his research work on Enhancing Diagnostic Accuracy and Prognostic Assessment through Computational Pathology: (more…)