“tesla_protocol” qualifies for ACM ICP...


"tesla_protocol", made up of Sai Anurudh Peduri,  Arjun Pitchanathan and Devansh Gautam, has qualified for the Association for Computing Machinery – International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC) world finals (https://icpc.baylor.edu/).  The International Collegiate Programming Contest is an algorithmic programming contest

The Third I wins hackathon on IoT for Smart City


IIIT Hyderabad team - The Third I won a hackathon on IoT for Smart City on 11 January at Panaji. The team  proposed a low cost IoT solution for indoor pollution monitoring. A prize is a fully paid trip by

IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Hyderabad Cha...


Dr. Lalitha Vadlamani, SPCRC, is the Chair of Communications and Signal Processing Society Joint Chapter of IEEE Hyderabad Section.  IEEE Signal Processing Society Hyderabad Chapter has been selected as the recipient of the SPS Chapter of the Year Award for

PEC Coach, P Shiva Shalini selected for Osmania Un...


PEC Coach P Shiva Shalini has been selected to be a part of the Osmania University women’s hockey team. She  participated in the South Zone Inter University Hockey Tournament in Chennai last month. Interestingly, Shalini learnt to play hockey at

IIITH research granted US patent 


Prof. Vishal Garg and his students received US patent rights for their research work on  System and apparatus for and methods of control of localized energy use in a building using price set points. This patent is a joint application

Prof. Vishal Garg, Fellow of the international soc...


Prof. Vishal Garg have been elevated as a Fellow of the international society - IBPSA,  International Building Performance Simulation Association at the biannual conference in Rome from 2 - 4 September. Prof. Vishal Garg and Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur from MNIT