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IIITH research granted US patent 

Prof. Vishal Garg and his students received US patent rights for their research work on  System and apparatus for and methods of control of localized energy use in a building using price set points. This patent is a joint application between IIITH and LBNL under the CBERD project (a five year Indo-US bilateral R&D project). The patent is based on one of Prof Garg’s student’s Ph.D. thesis. The disclosure provides systems and methods of an iSPACE (intelligent System for Personal Ambient Control and Energy efficiency). The system integrates various Personal Environmental Control  (PEC) systems with-in the task environment and also with the building management systems based on micro-economic and market constructs using price as a key operational parameter.

The inventors of this research work are Vishal Garg, IIITH; Niranjan Reddy, IIITH; Sam Babu Godithi, IIITH; Richard E. Brown, Albany, CA, USA; Christian Kohlar, Oakland , USA; Reshma Singh, Palo Alto, CA, USA.