LLMs/LVMs: Under The Hood


As part of the Techforward Research Seminar series, Prof. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru briefly touches upon the pitfalls of LLMs and the ways in which they can be made to unlearn or forget content. In today’s world we rely on technology to

Emerging Software Architectures


Prof. Raghu Reddy lists out the current challenges in designing software architecture, talks about IIITH’s Software Engineering and Research Centre current focus and gives a sneak peek into the future. Here’s a summarized version based on his talk at the

Sustainability of Modern Software Systems


Dr. Karthik Vaidhyanathan explains the concept of software sustainability and how his group’s research on self-adaptation is contributing towards greener and sustainable software. Impact of Uncertainties on Software Sustainability Imagine receiving an alert that your system has gone down or

Traffic Management for Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles


Prof. Harikumar Kandath enumerates all that it takes for efficient traffic management of uncrewed aerial vehicles. By the end of this decade, the number of registered uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) in India will go to a few lakhs from the

Mobility Initiatives From The IIITH Stable


Dr. Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla lists out the various solutions developed by IIITH for the Indian mobility sector. The impact of AI on our daily lives is manifold. Technological innovations are disrupting various industries too, from education and healthcare to manufacturing

When Modern AI Meets Classical Robotics


Prof. Madhava Krishna briefly explains the way IIITH’s self-driving car works and what is novel about it. This is an edited excerpt the TechForward research seminar series. IIIT Hyderabad’s Self Driving Car is an electric vehicle that performs point to