IIITH Admissions Through Boards Scores


Class 12 Humanities students with high Mathematics scores can apply directly to a Dual Degree programme bypassing the traditional JEE.   For long, high school students aspiring for a higher education had to face a difficult and rigid trade-off between the

Maker’s Lab: The Whole 9 Yards of Product Develo...


Apparently  the biggest hurdle of innovation is coming up with the idea itself. But what comes next? Where would young innovators find the means and expertise to translate their ideas into a prototype? IIIT Hyderabad, under the NIDHI-PRAYAS scheme, steps

Learning from the Laureates at Heidelberg Laureate...


Every year, the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) brings together top visionaries of Mathematics and Computer Science and winners of the Abel Prize, Fields Medal, Nevanlinna Prize, Turing Award and ACM Computing Prize for a week-long discussion with young researchers on the

Innovation by Design in Healthcare


I was a very young girl of five or six when I heard about my great grandfather, an Ayurvedic physician, who had saved the lives of many, including my own father, using treatments he pioneered. I was particularly fascinated by