Prof. Rajesh P N Rao
Prof. Rajesh P N Rao, University of Washington, Seattle gave a talk on The Predictive Brain: An Active Predictive Coding Framework for Natural and Artificial Intelligence on 9 December. Here is the summary of his talk: More than half the
Prof. Jayathi Murthy
Prof. Jayathi Murthy, President of Oregon State University gave a distinguished lecture on The story of a circuitous life through engineering on 4 July 2024. Prof. Jayathi Murthy, is a national leader in higher education, engineering teaching, research and service,
Prof. Robert Metcalfe
Prof. Robert (Bob) Metcalfe, recipient of the Turning Award, ACM Grace Hopper award, Marconi Prize and IEEE Medal of honour gave an inspiring inaugural talk on CONNECTIVITY is a thing, THE thing at the inaugural Future.Tech – Industry Academia Seminar
Prof. Andrew Zisserman
Prof. Andrew Zisserman, University of Oxford, widely acknowledged as one of the principal architects of modern computer vision, gave an IHub-Data-IIITH distinguished lecture on Automatically generating audio descriptions for movies on 21 August. Here is a summary of Prof. Zisserman’s