Prof. Srinivasa Narashiman


Prof. Srinivasa Narashiman, The Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University gave a KCIS distinguished lecture on Making Ordinary Cameras Extraordinary on 7 August. Here is a brief summary of his talk: The convergence of computations with optics

Dr. Natarajan S


Dr. Natarajan Shankar, a Distinguished Senior Scientist and SRI Fellow at the SRI Computer Science Laboratory, Menlo Park,  USA gave a Distinguished lecture on Composing High-Assurance  Software on 8 February. Summary of the talk in Dr. Natarajan Shankar’s words: The

Prof. Divyakant Agrawal


Prof. Divyakant Agrawal, University of California, Santa Barbara gave a talk on Trust in the Untrusted World? on 16 January. Here is the summary of the talk in Prof. Divyakant Agrawal’s words: We live in interesting times in that our

Prof. Alison Noble


July 2022 Prof. Alison Noble, University of Oxford gave a distinguished lecture on The Emergence of Sonography Data Science on 11 July 2022.   In her talk, Prof. Noble discussed how the emergence of machine learning in imaging has been changing

Dr. P Pravin KVR at BIET Lucknow


Dr. P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao give an E-Expert Talk on Seismic Retrofitting of Masonry Walls using low-cost and Modern Techniques for the Faculty Development Programme on Recent and Emerging Trends in Structural Engineering organized by Department of Civil Engineering,

P Pravin K V R


Dr. P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao gave the following distinguished talks: A keynote talk for a webinar on Mountains of the future: Geo-Scientific and Technical Issues in DRR on 29 September at an event organized by National Institute of Disaster