T H Arjun, a second year – Dual Degree CSE student passed away on 28 February after fighting COVID valiantly for two months.
Arjun joined the CSD program of the institute in 2019, after securing the second rank in the UGEE examinations. He was a bright and enthusiastic student with multiple interests as can be seen on his webpage. He was an artist who was active with Ping! and other campus events. He had started his research on social media analysis and spent a couple of weeks at the Koo office in Bangalore in December 2021. He was also part of a recent ACL Findings paper. He came to the campus on 29 December and was found in a collapsed state in his room just over a day after returning. He tested positive for delta variant of covid which had severely affected his lungs by then. He was put on ECMO immediately from 31 December and was receiving the best possible care for the past two months at the Continental Hospitals. His condition fluctuated during this time; the institute community, particularly the students, extended tremendous support to him and his family. IIITH was in constant touch with the hospital as well as his mother and uncle. They were all set to transport him, in a well equipped air ambulance with accompanying doctors to Kottayam medical college on 28 February. The team of doctors from both hospitals were in touch and thought his condition had improved enough to do that. The situation turned for the worse on 27 February with bleeding and other complications.
IIIT Hyderabad expresses its deepest condolences to the bereaved family of Arjun and prays for his departed soul.
Memorial and Prayer Meeting in fond Memory of our Student T. H. Arjun