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Sushim Shrivastava

Mr. Sushim Shrivastava, Senior Director – Engineering, Qualcomm gave the first talk of the three-talk series on Domain-Specific Languages to Program Image Processing and ML/DL on 28 January. Here is the summary of Mr.  Shrivastava’s talk on The Case for Domain-Specific Languages:

Compute devices have changed significantly in the last 25 years, changing to an always-connected powerful computing machine. This presentation discussed the challenges to sustain this kind of rapid evolution, the need for hardware accelerators, and varied computer architectures supporting compute, IoT, AR XR, mobile devices and other form factors. This talk gave information about domain specific languages like Halide/TVM and how they are trying to address some of these challenges with aid from compiler design.

Sushim started his career as a 3G protocol stack engineer, moving forward to take on different roles like Chipset Software lead. He then continued to work on 4G and 5G connectivity, multimedia, and application processor software. He has been working in the wireless semiconductor industry for almost 22 years now of which 17 have been as a part of Qualcomm. For the past five years, he has been particularly working on compilers, cloud computing, machine learning and software security. He is, has been and hopes to remain passionate about the computer systems ecosystem on a global scale.

February 2023