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Prof. P Anandan

Prof.  P Anandan, a  renowned researcher in computer vision and artificial intelligence gave a talk on Translating AI Innovations into Solutions for Global Health on 18 January.

Prof. Anandan is currently an Executive Advisor at AI & Robotics Technology Park (ARTPARK); Advisor at Global Health Labs (GH Labs); Advisor at IPRD Solutions; Senior consultant at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and is founder of AI Matters Advisors LLC (AI Matters for Development – AIM4DEV). Prof. Anandan’s career spans over 30 years in academia and industry in the US and in India. He was the Founder and Managing Director of Microsoft Research India, and professor of AI at Yale University. He is a distinguished alumnus of IIT Madras, and the University of Massachusetts, and a member of Board of Governors of IIT Madras.

January 2024