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Aditya Deshbandhu

On 21 August the second talk, a book discussion, in the HSRC Talks series for Monsoon 2024 featured Dr. Aditya Deshbandhu, a lecturer in Communications and Digital Media Sociology at the University of Exeter, UK.  Aditya Deshbandhu talked on Towards a Globally Shared and Mediated Reality: situating video games experiences, communities, and memories. 

His latest book, The 21st Century in 100 Games, presents an interactive public history of the contemporary world. The book creates a ludological (play and experience-focused) retelling of the 21st century by examining 100+ games from the turn of the century through a tri-pronged perspective — the reviewer, the academic, and an industry observer. Through this analysis, Dr. Deshbandhu aims to contextualise video games within societal narratives. Specialising in video game studies, new media, and the digital divide, Dr. Deshbandhu examines how people engage with digital artefacts and seeks to understand how these interactions shape everyday lives. 

With a decade of research on digital leisure, including social media and streaming platforms, Dr. Deshbandhu is also the author of Gaming Culture(s) in India: Digital Play in Everyday Life and an editor for Routledge’s Games and Contemporary Culture series. 

Publishers Orient Blackswan also showcased a range of books related to the conversation after the talk. 




August 2024