27 – 28 October
Developer's Tutorial on Internet of Things(IoT) to be held from 27 - 28 October 2018 at IIIT-Hyderabad. A multi city developer tutorial using open source implementation of oneM2M, developed by a French research lab, LAAS – CNRS is being organised by India EU
5 – 11 October
National Workshop on Quantum Information and Information Security (NWQIIS) Objective To hold a collaborative meeting on quantum information processing and information security. Topics to be covered Quantum Information, Entanglement, Quantum Key generation, Secret Sharing, Cryptography, Information Security Benefits of
16 October
MytrahTalks at IIIT-H Mytrahtalks provides a great platform for budding entrepreneurs, people who wish to share their success stories, and those who believe in making a difference in their respective fields or society in general. Several luminaries in their respective
27 – 28 October
oneM2M Developers Tutorial and Smart City Hackathon Call for participants for the oneM2M Developers Tutorial + Smart City Hackathon being conducted on 27 and 28 October at IIIT Hyderabad by India-EU ICT standardization collaboration in coordination with IIIT-H. For details
3 – 6 July
Student Short Course on Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings The Student Short Course will focus on providing hands-on exposure to the undergraduate and graduate students of Civil and Structural Engineering, on seismic analysis and design of buildings.