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27 – 28 October 

Developer’s Tutorial on Internet of Things(IoT) to be held from 27 – 28 October 2018 at IIIT-Hyderabad.

A multi city developer tutorial using open source implementation of oneM2M, developed by a French research lab, LAAS – CNRS is being organised by India EU ICT Standards Collaboration Project. TSDSI and ETSI, the Telecom SDOs from India and EU respectively are jointly anchoring an “India-EU Partnership Project for Collaboration on ICT standardization, Policy and Regulatory matters”.

Team of French Professors from university of Toulouse will conduct this multi city program from 27-30 October 2018. The professors have prepared a MOOC in english for interested developers and students, along with needed virtual machines etc for hands on exercises.

For more details visit: http://www.indiaeu-ictstandards.in/developer-tutorial-and-hackathon-october-2018/