[month] [year]

27 – 28 October

oneM2M Developers Tutorial and Smart City Hackathon

Call for participants for the oneM2M Developers Tutorial + Smart City Hackathon being conducted on 27 and 28 October at IIIT Hyderabad by India-EU ICT standardization collaboration in coordination with IIIT-H.

For details about the event please visit: http://www.indiaeu-ictstandards.in/developer-tutorial-and-hackathon-october-2018/

Background: The hackathon theme is Smart City applications. India’s Smart City Mission (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_Cities_Mission ) provides a great opportunity for various innovative applications to be developed by technology providers, which improves the quality of life of Indian citizens. The India EU ICT Standard Collaboration Project promotes collaboration on standards creation which are interoperable. Hence, providing a good return on investment on tax payers money and enabling open innovation. For open innovation the capacity building of the developers community is the key. Tutorial and Hackathon series is a flagship initiative of the project to enable the developer community and startup community to produce global interoperable solutions with least efforts.

Prize : a fully paid trip to EU for the winning team.

First of the two rounds:

Application: through the form on the event link of application.

Criteria: Where the candidature is judged basis primarily the online response to the challenges posted and other parameters of the applicant.

Deadline:The last date to submit a response is 30 September 2018. IST 11:55 PM.

Second Round: 15 teams comprising of 60 individuals will be shortlisted and be invited to participate in the hackathon. The communication to shortlisted candidates will be done by Oct 10 2018. Also, we will not be paying for travel or boarding of teams. We will only provide food and technical support during the two days. So, participants have to make their own arrangements.

Team Formation: The sixty participants will be grouped into teams of 4 each. Hence, 15 teams will be competing for the prize.

Feb 2018 Winning Team Testimonial: http://www.indiaeu-ictstandards.in/winners-testimonial/

Intellectual Property Policy: The organizers will have no claim to the idea/solution presented by the team.