72nd Republic Day Celebrations
IIITH celebrated India’s 72nd Republic Day on 26 January at the KRB Entrance and online through Microsoft Teams. Celebrations began with hoisting of the national flag by Prof. P J Narayanan and singing of the national anthem. This was
Subhash Chandra Bose’s 125th Birthday
IIIT Hyderabad celebrated Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's 125th Birth Anniversary on 23 January. The event was held online through MS Teams. Prof. P J Narayanan inaugurated the event and gave the inaugural address. This was followed by a brief biography
IIITH celebrates 4 years of Kohli Research Block
IIITH celebrated 4 years of Kohli Research Block that houses the Kohli Center for Intelligent Systems (KCIS), named after the Father of Indian IT, Shri FC Kohli on 15 January. The Center has developed into a vibrant and active AI
The House-of-Volunteers at IIITH
It was for better governance and to get students’ perspective of policies and regulations at the International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad that the first Student Parliament was set up in 2001. A lot has changed since then - from
Farewell to Prof. Abhijit Mitra
A farewell function was organized by IIITH family for Prof. Abhijit Mitra, Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB). Prof. Abhijit Mitra superannuated on 31 July 2020 and continued to work as Emeritus Professor till 31 December 2020. The