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72nd Republic Day Celebrations


IIITH celebrated India’s 72nd Republic Day on 26 January at the KRB Entrance  and online through Microsoft Teams. Celebrations began with hoisting of the national flag by Prof. P J Narayanan  and singing of the national anthem. This was followed by the Director’s address, speech by student representative Sunil Anumolu, Interim General Secretary and cultural programs by students and campus kids.






Cultural events by students: 

  • Dance programme by Aashna Jena 2k17 CLD, Rahul Sajnani 2k17 ECD, Ivin Kuriakos 2k19 ECE, Kartik Mehta 2k19 ECE, Tanvi Narsapur 2k19 CSD, Raj
    Maheshwari 2k19 CSE, Abhigyan Gargav 2k19 ECE, Nirmal Manoj 2k19 CSD, Prince Varshney 2k19 CSD, Merugu Nanditha 2k20 ECE, Srujana Vanka 2k20 ECE, Sreenya Chitluri 2k20 ECE, Vivek Mathur 2k20 CND and  Shubhankar Kamthankar 2k20 CLD

  •  Ae mere vatan ke logon —- sung by Varshita Kolipaka – UG1

  • Guitar played by  Gaurav Singh – UG1


Cultural events by campus kids: 

  • #India (Hashtag India) was performed by Nandu (Lazy Guy), Teja (Lazy Guy’s Friend), Reva and Niharika (Choreographers), Neha, Bodhi, Mikku and Yuven (Kids), Shrishti (Patriotic Person), Amritha and Manya (The fighting over jim jam people) and Deepthi (The Jim Jam Stealer). Writer, director, editor and cameraman of the programme were Nandu, Teja and Amritha

  • Teaser of the 3D Virtual Tour of IIIT Hyderabad by Team Pentaprism (One-minute) – “Google Street View” for IIIT Hyderabad
  • Presentation of the Mosaic with over 6000 pictures of our students on campus by Team Pentaprism.

Prof. Tapan Sau, Chair SLC concluded the celebration with a vote of thanks.