BBC hosts conference on beyond fake news at IIIT-H...
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) hosted a conference Beyond Fake News at IIIT Hyderabad campus on 12 November. The main focus of the conference on tackling the menace of digital misinformation and what could be done about it. And to fight fake
Prof. Vishal Garg conducts sessions and attends co...
Prof. Vishal Garg conducted the following sessions: Comprehensive Training Program on Energy Conservation Building Code 2017 organised by the Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad from 19 - 20 November in Hyderabad and on 26 November in Vijayawada. Workshop on
Dr. Anil Kumar Vuppala visits Aalto University for...
Dr. Anil Kumar Vuppala visited Prof. Paavo Alku, Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics, Aalto University, Finland from 17 - 30 November for a potential research collaboration in the area of Speech Signal Processing.
The Things Conference India
The Things Conference India was held at Hyderabad International Convention Center (HICC), Hyderabad on 9 and 10 November. IIIT Hyderabad was an Academia Partner of the conference the main organizer was CyberEy, a startup headed by few IIIT-H alumni like
IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2018)
Dr. Prasad Krishnan presented a paper on Coded Caching via Line Graphs of Bipartite Graphs at the IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2018), Guangzhou, China from 25 - 29 November.
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robo...
Parijat Dewangan, working under the supervision of Dr. K Madhava Krishna, presented a paper on Learning Dual Arm Coordinated Reachability Tasks in a Humanoid Robot with Articulated Torso at the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Beijing, China from 6