Prof. P Krishna Reddy chairs session at PAKDD
Prof. P Krishna Reddy made a proposal to Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) steering committee on 11 May, to hold PAKDD-2021 at Delhi and his proposal has been accepted. The PAKDD-2021 will be held at JNU
IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (Ro...
The following papers/journal articles were presented by Rishabh B. Mishra presently working under the supervison of Dr. Aftab M. Hussain, Center for VLSI and Embedded Systems Technology (CVEST) at the IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft)-2020 at Yale University,
Phenomenology 2020 Symposium
Dr. Subhadip Mitra gave a talk on Prospects for searches for Leptoquarks with large coupling with the top quark at Phenomenology 2020 Symposium from 4 - 6 May at University of Pittsburgh. The talk was based on the works Dr.
Online workshop on Conducting Systematic Mapping S...
Prof. Y. Raghu Reddy (SERC Center Head), Lalit Mohan S (Ph.D Student) and Sai Anirudh Karre (PhD Student) from SERC conducted an online workshop on Conducting Systematic Mapping Studies and Systematic Literature Review for MS and PhD student community on
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and ...
The following papers were presented by Prof. Sujit Gujar and his students at the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2020), Auckland, New Zealand from 9 - 13 May 2020, IFAAMAS: Kumar Abhishek, a dual degree
oneM2M hosts India’s First Living Lab webina...
Today, smart cities and connected cars depend on data sharing to reach their full potential. This requires trust, data-privacy tools, and ways to control data sharing, either openly or selectively, with ecosystem partners. Most importantly, it requires an open standards