Dr. Avishek Parui


Dr. Avishek Parui,  IIT Madras gave an online talk on Research in Memory Studies: Interdisciplinary possibilities on 27 October as part of the Human Sciences Research Group (HSRG) Seminar Series. The talk defined and discussed the discipline of memory studies

Manish Kothari and N Venkatesh


Mr. Manish Kothari and Mr. N Venkatesh, Silicon Labs Hyderabad gave a talk on Energy Efficient Devices in the IoT on 13 March. A summary of the talk as explained by the speakers:  Extended battery life is a common requirement

Talk by Bahata Ansumali Mukhopadhyay


Ms. Bahata Ansumali Mukhopadhyay, software developer by profession, and independent researcher by passion, gave an online invited talk on Indus Inscriptions Were Logographic, Don't Spell Them Out: Says Semantic Co-occurrence Restriction Patterns on 11 September. The talk was organised by

Dr. Baijesh Ramesh


  Mr. Baijesh Ramesh, a licensed clinical psychologist and life coach based in Hyderabad gave a talk online on psychological wellbeing amid the growing uncertainties due to COVID-19 on 29 July. Dr. Baijesh Ramesh interacted with faculty and staff during

Dr. Ganesan Venkatasubramanian


Dr. Ganesan Venkatasubramanian, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore gave an online invited lecture on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Application in Psychiatry on 6 July via Microsoft Teams. The talk was organized by the Healthcare and

Urs, Qawwali and Memorialising Sufi Saints of Punj...


Dr. Yogesh Snehi, Ambedkar University, Delhi, gave a talk on  Urs, Qawwali and Memorialising Sufi Saints of Punjab on 5 March. Partition history informs us about the huge migration of Punjabi Muslims from East Punjab to Pakistan in 1947, leaving