What’s in a Gender ?
Student Life Committee (SLC) and First Drop Theatre jointly organized What's in a Gender?, an improv performance in the format of Playback Theatre on 12 October. First Drop Theatre is co-founded by Dr. Radhika Jain and Mr. Bejoy Balagopal. Dr.
Yoga Workshops
Surya Namaskar A three-day workshop on Surya Namaskar was conducted from 3 - 5 October. Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a practice in yoga incorporating a sequence of twelve linked asanas. The asana sequence was first recorded as yoga
Carnatic Evening Raga by Vidushi Mridula Ashwin
The Cultural wing of SLC and Sanskriti Foundation organized a classical music concert series called Evening Raga by Vidushi Mridula Ashwin and her team on 29 September. The first concert of this series was held at Tarangani amphitheater to promote
Navratri Celebrations on Campus
IIITH began its Navratri Celebrations on 29 September evening with cultural programmes followed by dinner. Navaratri celebrations spans nine nights and ten days and is celebrated every year in autumn. It is observed for different reasons and celebrated differently in
Colours of freedom
Student Life Committee (SLC) along with LGBTQI community hosted Colours of freedom to celebrate the anniversary of freedom from Section 377 on 21 September. The evening had cultural performances, panel discussions and stories of pride. Dr. Andrew Fleming, British Deputy
Remembering Bapu: Father of the Nation
On the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary, the Cultural Wing of Student Life Committee (SLC) organized an event - Remembering Bapu: Father of the Nation on 28 September, that included keynote lectures, panel discussions and debates: Keynote