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What’s in a Gender ?

Student Life Committee (SLC) and First Drop Theatre jointly organized What’s in a Gender?, an improv performance in the format of Playback Theatre on 12 October.  

First Drop Theatre is co-founded by Dr. Radhika Jain and Mr. Bejoy Balagopal. Dr. Jain is a theatre practitioner for the last 9 years. An actor, director, and trainer, she is a leadership graduate from the Centre for Playback Theatre, USA. She is also trained in multiple formats of interactive theatre like – Theatre of the Oppressed, Shadow Theatre and Immersive theatre. As an Expressive Arts therapist, she combines the elements of expressive arts with the tools of theatre in her sessions with individuals and groups, in therapeutic settings. Dr. Jain obtained her Ph.D in Molecular Microbiology from Germany and has a corporate experience of 7 years in the field of Consulting and Market Research.

Mr. Bejoy Balagopala has been a theatre practitioner for the last 9 years in various capacities of writer, actor, and poet. Trained in playback theatre and forum theatre, he applies the wealth of over 17 years of corporate experience across the domains of training, people leadership, and project management, to the magic of arts.