Community in the Time of CoronaVirus
Nutritious, wholesome meals, packed in convenient and functional boxes from IIITH’s Community Kitchen are snaking their way across Hyderabad to meet some of the demands of the homeless and the hungry. Read more about the efforts of this campus collective
Songs of Resistance, the Tradition Continues by Pr...
Songs of Resistance, the Tradition Continues by Prof. Sumangala Damodaran with Mr Mark Aranha on Guitar was organised by Students Life Committee (SLC) on 13 March at Amphitheatre. Prof. Damodaran gave examples of how music has been used to articulate
Workshop series on Shatkarmas
A workshop series on Shatkarmas was organized from 2 - 4 March at Nirvana (NBH Yoga Hall). The beginners workshop taught six-purification procedures or Shatkarmas mentioned in Hatha Yoga Pradeepika like Jala Neti, Sutra Neti and Vamana Dhauti.
Felicity 2020
IIIT Hyderabad celebrated its 20th edition of Felicity from 7 - 9 February. This year's theme was Embracing the Curry Culture. Felicity encompasses and embraces the varied and diverse interests of IIITH with everyone playing a role. From nights of
Wheeling Around Campus
Saturday morning was quite a 'free-wheeling' sight on campus on 8th February. Physical Education Center (PEC) organised a 25km cycling event inside campus and students participated quite enthusiastically. The first 15 to complete the race received medals. Here's the list