Remembering Satyajit Ray: The Legendary Filmmaker ...


The Cultural Wing of Students Life Committee (SLC) celebrated Satyajit Ray's Centenary Birth Anniversary on 10 May.  The event was inaugurated by Dr. Tapan Kumar Sau, SLC Chair. This was followed by talks by Sri. Ujjal Chakraborty on Ray's People:

A Day with Tagore


The Cultural Wing of Students Life Committee (SLC) celebrated Tagore's birth anniversary on 9 May.  The session was inaugurated by Prof P J Narayanan, followed by screening of a Bengali movie - Ghare Baire (with subtitles) and a discussion session

Pranayama for improving O2 levels


The Physical Education Center (PEC) team made videos on yoga bhastrika pranayama for improving breathing levels and jal neti for clearing nasal passages to help the IIITH family during this pandemic. These videos are in the links below.

Scopus Online Training Program


An online orientation session on Managing my Profile and understanding the Research Landscape on SCOPUS was organised by IIITH library in collaboration with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)  on 24 February.    Dr. Shubhra Dutta, Customer Consultant, Research Intelligence, Elsevier publishers

World Sparrow Day 


On the occasion of World Sparrow Day on 20 March,  IIIT Hyderabad installed nesting boxes for sparrows at  KRB ground floor. World Sparrow Day is designated to raise awareness of the house sparrow and other common birds. It is an

Sri F C Kohli Day  


Kohli Centre on Intelligent Systems (KCIS) at International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIITH) marked Sri F C Kohli’s birth anniversary on 19 March with a special program celebrating his life through research and innovation.  The inaugural annual event includes