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Scopus Online Training Program

An online orientation session on Managing my Profile and understanding the Research Landscape on SCOPUS was organised by IIITH library in collaboration with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)  on 24 February.   

Dr. Shubhra Dutta, Customer Consultant, Research Intelligence, Elsevier publishers   explained the importance of visiting various sections on Scopus like Managing Author Profile, validating number of citations, importance of ORCiD, publication history of author(s) and h-index etc.  

The orientation session was organised to create awareness among students and faculty especially, those who have recently joined the institute, on issues related to the increasing significance of Scopus research metrics of the institute. The session concluded with  a Question-and-Answer session.    

The recording is viewable at https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/dbd4fe01-614b-4ff1-895c-7f31cfda89f4?referrer=https:%2F%2Flibrary.iiit.ac.in%2F