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Pranayama for improving O2 levels

The Physical Education Center (PEC) team made videos on yoga bhastrika pranayama for improving breathing levels and jal neti for clearing nasal passages to help the IIITH family during this pandemic. These videos are in the links below.




PEC team also gave the following workout for  maintaining fitness and staying healthy during these difficult times. These techniques are effective in reducing stress, anxiety and blood pressure, relaxation mind and body and strengthening the immune system.

Breathing Techniques

Long Inhalation + Retention (Hold after inhale)

How: Deepen your inhalation to 6 seconds first, then to 8 seconds

Preparation: Gradually deepen inhale during the practice, introduce slight hold after inhale.

Long Exhalation + Suspension (Hold after exhale)

How: Lengthen your exhalation to 6 seconds first, then to 8 seconds

Preparation: Gradually deepen exhale during the practice, introduce slight hold after exhale.

Breathe in 4 seconds – hold for 4 seconds – Breathe out 4 seconds – hold for 4 seconds

Repeat 5 times for better results.