Kohli Research Fellowship Recipients 


October 2022 Advaita Saxena, Ph.D in ECE  and Pragati Gupta, Ph.D in CSE under the supervision of  Dr. Kavita Vemuri,  CogSci were awarded the prestigious Kohli Research Fellowship Program, a competitive Fellowship program for pursuing Ph.D under the Kohli Center

IIITH Girls basketball team wins 


October 2022 For the first time in the history of IIITH Sports the girls team won the intercollegiate state level basketball tournament held at B V Raju Institute of Technology (BVRIT), Narasapur, Medak district on 13 October. A total of

Dr. Shantanav C receives Start-up Research Grant


September 2022 Dr. Shantanav Chakraborty’s Start-up Research Grant (SRG) proposal on -  to develop novel approaches to solving optimization problems using quantum computers was approved by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), a statutory body under DST. The two-year grant is given

Prof. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru


September 2022 Prof. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru’s research work has so far attracted 10,000 citations as per Google Scholar. He also received a research grant of CHF 212,104 along with ETH Zürich to study and work on Homophily and the Spread of

Dr. Karthik V co-organises SAML 2022


September 2022 Dr. Karthik Vaidhyanathan was a co-organizer of the Second International Workshop on Software Architecture and Machine Learning (SAML) held at Prague, Czech Republic on 20 September.  The SAML 2022 workshop was co-located with the 16th European Conference on

P Chandrasekhar – Acoustic Classification


September 2022 P Chandrasekhar received  his  doctorate in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). His research work was supervised by Dr. Suryakanth V G. Here’s a summary of his research work on Investigation of features for acoustic scene classification: Environmental sounds