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Dr. Karthik V co-organises SAML 2022

September 2022

Dr. Karthik Vaidhyanathan was a co-organizer of the Second International Workshop on Software Architecture and Machine Learning (SAML) held at Prague, Czech Republic on 20 September.

 The SAML 2022 workshop was co-located with the 16th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) 2022 held on 20 September. ECSA is a premier (Tier A) conference in the field of Software Architecture. The workshop was held in a hybrid mode. The onsite location was at Prague, Czech Republic. The main focus of the workshop was to provide a common platform for practitioners and researchers to discuss and reflect upon the challenges that exist in architecting ML-enabled systems (SA4ML) and on how we can leverage ML techniques for better architecting software systems (ML4SA). 

The workshop consisted of 5 paper presentations, one keynote talk by Ken Power, Director of Engineering, Motional, USA on At the Intersection of Machine Learning and Software Architecture – Developing the Next Generation of Autonomous Vehicles and fishbowl-style discussions with Grace Lewis, SEI, CMU USA and Foutse Khomh, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada as speakers. 

Karthik organized this workshop alongside some eminent researchers/scientists in the field of software architecture like 

Dr Justus Bogner from the University of Stuttgart, Germany

Prof. Henry Muccini from the University of L’Aquila, Italy

Dr Ipek Ozkaya, SEI, CMU, USA

Michael Keeling, Kiavi, USA


The website of the workshop is: https://saml.disim.univaq.it/saml2022