Best paper award at COMNETSAT-2022
December 2022 Naga Manoj Makkena, M.S Dual Degree-ECE, working under supervision of Dr. Ubaidulla P received the best paper award for their research work on Trajectory and power optimization for buffer assisted amplify-and-forward UAV relay at the 11th international conference
Basudeb Bera – Internet of Drones
November 2022 Basudeb Bera received his doctorate in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). His research work was supervised by Dr. Ashok Kumar Das. Here’s a summary of his research work on Design and Analysis of Blockchain-Based Access Control Protocols for
Dr. V Gandhi, outstanding reviewer at ICML 2022
November 2022 Dr. Vineet Gandhi was adjudged as an outstanding reviewer at the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-2022) held at Baltimore, Maryland from 17 - 23 July. In addition to the main conference sessions, the conference also had
Dr. Ashok Kumar Das
November 2022 Dr. Ashok Kumar Das has been included in the list of Web of Science (Clarivate™) Highly Cited Researcher 2022 in recognition for his exceptional research performance demonstrated by production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the
Dr. P Kumar receives Qualcomm Faculty Award 2022
November 2022 Dr. Pawan Kumar was awarded the Qualcomm Faculty award-2022 in March, and he received the funding a few months ago. The Qualcomm Faculty award directly supports key professors and their research through gift funding to their university. The