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Dr. P Kumar receives Qualcomm Faculty Award 2022

November 2022

Dr. Pawan  Kumar was awarded the Qualcomm Faculty award-2022 in March, and he received the funding a few months ago. 

The Qualcomm Faculty award directly supports key professors and their research through gift funding to their university. The award recognizes distinguished faculty research providing strong contributions in key technology areas and inspiring students in realizing their goals.

Qualcomm Faculty Award:    https://www.qualcomm.com/research/university-relations#:~:text=Qualcomm%20Faculty%20Awards%20(QFA)&text=The%20award%20recognizes%20distinguished%20faculty,students%20in%20realizing%20their%20goals.

Video:   https://www.qualcomm.com/company/locations/india/qualcomm-university-relations-india