Best Paper Awards at ICVGIP-2022


December 2022 Research work done by the students and faculty were awarded the Best paper award and Best paper award - Runner up at the Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP-2022) held at IIT Gandhinagar from

Prof. B Yegnanarayana Institute Life Fellow


December 2022 IIT Kharagpur (IIT Kgp) recognises Prof. B Yegnanarayana as its Institute Life Fellow. Prof. Yegnanarayana was honoured with this award during IIT Kharagpur’s convocation on 24 December.  Prof.Yegnanarayana is an eminent professor and is known for his contributions

Dr. Vinoo Alluri organises MMMT Workshop


December 2022 Dr. Vinoo Alluri organised a satellite workshop on Music, Mind, Movement, and Technology (MMMT) for the 23rd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR-2022) from 4 - 8 December at Bengaluru. The MMMT workshop was an attempt

Brave New Idea Award at ISMIR-2022


December 2022 IIITH researchers Jaidev Shriram, B.Tech student; Dr. Makarand Tapaswi and Dr.Vinoo Alluri created a music algorithm that curates and plays appropriate background music as you read books. The research team took the soundtrack from the Harry Potter movie

Recognized among top 7 ideas at UNLEASH 2022


December 2022 Shri Vidhatri M M, UG4, CND working under the supervision of Dr. Tapan Kumar Sau participated in UNLEASH 2022 conducted at Infosys campus, Mysore from 3 - 11 December. The team of Shri Vidhatri was one of the

VV22: The Champions of PowerTAC 2022 Tournament


December 2022 Team VidyutVanika (VV) continued its dominance in the international smart grid competition PowerTAC by winning the tournament for the second consecutive time. Team VidyutVanika is a collaboration between the Machine Learning Lab (MLL) of IIIT Hyderabad and TCS