Anuj Kumar Shukla – Number-Time Interaction
Anuj Kumar Shukla received his doctorate in Cognitive Science. His research work was supervised by Prof. Bapi Raju. Here’s a summary of his research work on Number-Time Interaction: Search for a Generalised Magnitude System: Space, time, and number are fundamental
Deepthi A receives award at WLF
Deepthi Amuru, a Ph.D student working under the supervision of Dr. Zia Abbas received an award at the Woman Leaders Forum (WLF-2023) on 31 May at Hotel Crowne Plaza, Dubai under the category Award for Contribution at International Level.Deepthi Amuru
Arpan Singh at University of Tokyo
Arpan Singh, a third year MS by Research student in Civil Engineering, working under the supervision of Dr. Sunitha Palissery has been offered Ph.D admissions at the Department of Civil Engineering in the Meguro-Numada Laboratory at the University of Tokyo
Best paper award at ACM CODASPY 2023
Ankit Gangwal and his students Shubham Singh and Abhijeet Srivastava were awarded the best paper award for their research work on AutoSpill: Credential Leakage from Mobile Password Managers at Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security
Animesh Sinha – NISQ-era hardware
Animesh Sinha received his Master of Science – Dual Degree in Computational Natural Sciences (CNS). His research work was supervised by Prof. Harjinder Singh. Here’s a summary of of his research work on Machine-Learning driven Transformations and Analysis of