Dr. Diganta Das receives start-up research grant


Dr. Diganta Das’s Start-up Research Grant (SRG) proposal on Phenomenology of hadronic decays and searches for physics beyond the Standard Model was approved by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), a statutory body under DST. The two-year grant is given

Dr. Ashok Kumar Das


Dr. Ashok Kumar Das has been included in the list of Web of Science (Clarivate™) Highly Cited Researcher 2023 in recognition for his exceptional research performance demonstrated by production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1%

Best Paper Award at IJCNLP-AACL 2023


Research work on Unsupervised approach to evaluate sentence-level fluency: Do we really need reference? By Dr. Manish Shrivastava and his students Gopichand Kanumolu, MS CSE; Lokesh Madasu, MS CSE; Pavan Baswani, MS CSE and Ananya Mukherjee, Ph.D CSE was given

Best presentation award at ICEPP-2023


Rishikesh Bose, MS by research supervised by Dr. Sachin Chaudhari received the best presentation award for their research work on Comparative Analysis of Construction-Related Air Pollution in Indoor and Outdoor Environments at the 11th International Conference on Environment Pollution and

Silver award to Shambhavi Ojha


Shambhavi Ojha, M.Tech Product Design and Management student bagged the silver award in the 7th mini product challenge organised by Airtribe. The challenge required participants to create a referral program for the mindfulness app Calm. Shambhavi’s proposal was Calm Connections

Academic and research awards


The Annual Awards Function where the academic and research successes of students are recognised was held on 15 November at institute amphitheatre. This year nearly 500 students have been recognized for their academic/research achievements.  The function was followed by a