Yuvraj Singh received his Master of Science – Dual Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). His research work was supervised by Dr. Suresh Purini. Here’s a summary of his research work on Dynamic Resource Scaling for Explicit State Model Checking on Cloud:
Model checking is now a standard technology for verifying large and complex systems. While there are a range of tools and techniques to verify various properties of a system under consideration, in this work, we restrict our attention to safety checking procedures using explicit state space generation. The necessary hardware resources required in this approach depends on the model complexity and the resulting state transition graph that gets generated. This cannot be estimated apriori. For reasonably realistic models, the available main memory in even high end servers may not be sufficient. Hence, we have to use distributed safety verification approaches on a cluster of nodes. However, the problem of estimating the minimum number of nodes in the cluster for the verification procedure to complete successfully remains unsolved. In the thesis, we propose a dynamically scalable model checker using an actor based architecture. Using the proposed approach, an end user can invoke a model checker hosted on a cloud platform in a push button fashion. Our safety verification procedures automatically expands the cluster by requesting more virtual machines from the cloud provider. Finally, the user gets to pay only for the hardware resources he rented for the duration of the verification procedure. We refer to this as Model Checking as Service. We approach this problem by proposing an asynchronous algorithm for safety checking in actor framework. The actor based approach allows for scaling the resources on a need basis and redistributes the work load transparently through state migration. We tested our approach by developing a distributed version of SpinJA model checker using Akka actor framework. We conducted our experiments on Google Cloud Engine (GCE) platform wherein we scale our resources automatically using the GCE API. On large models such as anderson.8 from BEEM benchmark suite, our approach reduced the model checking cost in dollars by 8.6x while reducing the wall clock time to complete the safety checking procedure 5.5x times.
- T. Palavalasa, Y. Singh, A. Singla, S. Purini and V. Choppella, “Model Checking as a Service using Dynamic Resource Scaling,” 2020 IEEE 27th International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC), 2020, pp. 131-140, doi: 10.1109/HiPC50609.2020.00027
April 2023