World Water Day is observed on 22 March to raise awareness about the importance of water conservation, educate people to conserve it and maintain hygiene as well as practice efficient water management. The principal focus of World Water Day is to support the achievement of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 6, which is to ensure safe water and sanitation for all by 2030. The theme of World Water Day this year is Groundwater, making the invisible visible.
IIITH has always shown consciousness about using water efficiently. Several steps have been taken over the years such as rain-water harvesting, tree planting as well as creating awareness about water usage. The approximate per capita water consumption on our campus is 87 liters per day while the Indian standard is 135 liters/day. During the last year, the following steps were taken by the institute for efficient water usage on campus:
- Installed water level control sensors at all OHT’s to avoid water overflow during pumping.
- Regular check of faucets and flush tanks to arrest leakages.
- Replaced washbasin pillar cocks with push cocks at newly renovated washrooms.
- Constructed borewell recharge pits, diverted terrace and road runoff to borewells near the buildings.
- Constructed 20 No’s ground recharge pits around Vindhya building and diverted terrace rainwater through rainwater down take pipes.
- Built 0.40 MLD capacity STP with MBBR Technology near Palash(OBH), STP treated water is used for flushing in toilets, landscapes, and gardening etc.
- Built 50 KLD capacity gray water filter beads, treated water is used for landscapes and gardening on campus.
- Regular monitoring of water supply pumping mains and distribution lines for leakages.
- Fixed water meters at all usage points.
World Water Day: