Dr. Sachin Chaudhari co-chaired a national level workshop on Standards Driven Research hosted by Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India (TSDSI) under the aegis of National Conference on Communications (NCC 2022) on 24 May.
The workshop was very successful with a keynote, excellent invited talks and panel discussion on Standards Driven Research from leading experts from industry and academia. Prof. Debabrata Das, Director, IIITB gave a keynote on Incentivizing Standard Driven Research in Academic Institutes. Around 200 participants attended the workshop. Prof. Sachin Chaudhari from IIITH and Prof. Vireshwar Kumar from IITD were the co-chairs of this workshop.
The goal of this workshop was to engage with academia and the research community to discuss topics that can be candidates for contributing to standards. And also to identify challenges faced by academicians in doing standards driven research and make recommendations for addressing the same.
The National Conference on Communications (NCC) is India’s premier annual conference organized by the Joint Telematics Group (JTG) consisting of IITs and IISc. The JTG is a coordinating body whose main role is to facilitate the conduct of the annual conference and enable close interaction of academia, industry, and government. The NCC is arguably the most prominent national conference today in the area of communications, signal processing and networks. In a span of around three decades, the conference has acquired substantial recognition and is now widely known in many countries overseas.
This year, the 28th edition of the conference (NCC 2022) was jointly organized by IIT Bombay, IIT Dharwad, IIT Gandhinagar, IIT Goa, and IIT Indore during 23 – 27 May 2022. The conference was held virtually.
The Indian Telecom Industry, comprising operators and manufacturers, Academia and R&D organizations came together to form Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India (TSDSI) on 7 January 2014, as an embodiment of the Govt.’s resolve, expressed in the National Telecom Policy 2012 (NTP 2012), to create an Indian Telecom Standards Development Organization (TSDO), for contributing to next generation telecom standards and drive the eco-system of IP creation in India, formally recognised by the Government.
TSDSI is an autonomous, membership based, standards development organization(SDO) for Telecom/ICT products and services in India. We develop standards for access, back-haul, and infrastructure systems, solutions and services that best meet India specific Telecom/ICT needs, based on research and innovation in India. We work closely with global standards’ bodies to reflect Indian requirements into International telecom/ICT standards. We play an important role in encouraging generation of Indian IPRs in this technology intensive field and get them incorporated into International standards. This in turn promotes indigenous research, product development and manufacturing. The Department of Telecommunications & Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India are jointly supporting TSDSI as India’s Telecom/ICT SDO.
More details at: https://tsdsi.in/event/workshop-on-standards-driven-research-at-ncc-2022/