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Winter School on User Experience Design

The 2nd Winter School on User Experience Design was held at IIIT Hyderabad from 13 – 17 December. It is a crash course on the vast topic of Human-Computer Interaction with a practical lens on learning how to build useful, usable, and desirable interfaces.  The topics covered during the workshop included Demystifying User Experience, Interaction Design, and HCI; Types of Interfaces: Mobile, Web, Wearable, Virtual Reality; User Centered Design (UCD) Process; Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods; Contextual Inquiry; Brainstorming and bodystorming; Rapid Prototyping: Paper, Video, Corrugated sheets; Information Architecture; Case studies and Emotional design.Participants were taught practice skills and how to apply them to their projects. They also got to hear experts in from industry and academia share their thoughts on these topics. The workshop culminated in a half-day exhibition of  the projects by the participants and prizes were given to the best projects. All the participant were given a certificate of completion and a Winter School T-shirt.

For more details visit: https://www.iiitd.ac.in/uxd-winterschool2018/