Physical Education Center (PEC) organized an online beginner level yoga session on 4 and 5 December.
On 4 December, Merudanda Kriya – asanas and mudras to strengthen the spinal cord was taught. The spinal column is called merudanda in sanskrit. Merudanda is the representation of Mount Meru in our body. In this session participants were taught to perform Aswini Mudra, Moola bandha, Asanas and Merudanda mudras. These asanas and mudras strengthen the spine, tone the lower body and stimulate abdominal organs.
On 5 December, Aditya Yogam was taught which included Suryanamaskar, Surya mudras and Pranayama. These activate the pingala nadi which controls the vital process in our body. These yoga asanas energize the body, purify blood, strengthen the lungs, digestive system, muscles as well as the joints.