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University Consortium Courses

IIIT Hyderabad, in collaboration with Coursera, is offering access to University Consortium courses at no cost to IIIT members. This initiative, provided through the Division of Flexible Learning (DFL), enables all faculty, staff, and students with an official iiit.ac.in email domain to access 4000+ online courses from leading universities worldwide, as part of our organization’s learning programme. This is a great opportunity to take courses and earn certificates from universities worldwide.

How to Get Started:

  1. Go to https://www.coursera.org
  2. Click on “Join for Free”
  3. In the “Sign up” pop-up, fill in your name and IIIT email id.  Create your password. Then click “Join for Free”
  4. Go to your IIIT email and open Coursera’s “Action Required” message. Then click “confirm email address.”
  5. You will be redirected to a page with a link to Coursera.
  6. Now, log in to Coursera.

Exploring the Courses:

  1. After logging in, browse through the available courses and click on a course that you would like to enroll in 
  2. A course marked as “Included in your organization’s learning program” is a university-provided course available free of cost 
  3. Other courses with the label “Financial Aid Available” are not available free of cost.  (You will need to pay a fee to enroll.  IIIT will not pay the fees.)
  4. Click on “Enroll” and continue to start learning 

December 2024