Dr. Rehana Shaik gave an invited talk on climate change impacts on regional water resources management at the DST-UKIERI (UK India Education and Research Initiative) Partnership Development International Workshop on Water for all: Addressing issues surrounding water quality, quantity and waste water treatment in India at Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Assam Agricultural University. The workshop was held in a hybrid mode from 11 – 13 January and was jointly organized by Assam Agricultural University and University of Nottingham, UK.
The aim of the workshop was to identify gaps in existing research knowledge on water access and quality from the local to the regional in India, by bringing together (online and in person) early career researchers (ECRs) from the UK and India, promote discussion (between workshop leads, mentors and participants) on how to better improve water management (including its demand, treatment and usage) and how to involve key stakeholders and policy makers in this process, and discuss suitable future funding calls and draft project proposal outlines drawing on participant’s expertise, on themes related to water quality, access and management across India.
Workshop page: https://virginiapanizzo.wixsite.com/waterforall
Speakers page: https://virginiapanizzo.wixsite.com/waterforall/list-of-participants