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U.S Patent Granted 

Dr. Raghu Reddy and his students Neeraj Mathur and Sai Anirudh Karre  have been granted a U.S Patent for their research work on System and method for evaluating and facilitating customized guidelines using usability code pattern analysis. 

About the patent as explained by the inventors Y Raghu Babu ReddyNeeraj Mathur and Sai Anirudh Karre:

A system for evaluating and facilitating customized source code based on the usability guidelines using a usability code pattern analysis is provided. The system includes a decompile module, a guideline loader module, an inspection module, a validation module, a recommendation module, and one or more databases. The system obtains the input package from the user computing device to generate a customized usability code pattern for the input package by decompiling, inspecting, and validating the input package against a validation case based on the usability guidelines. The input package layout files are decompiled in XML and JAR file formats. The evaluation of the usability guideline is based on existing usability guidelines. The validation module validates the usability of the input package at each instance periodically using validation test cases

Related Publications:

  1. Neeraj Mathur, Sai Anirudh Karre, Y. Raghu Reddy: Usability Evaluation Framework for Mobile Apps using Code Analysis, In proceedings of the Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), June 2018, Christchurch, New Zealand, pp:187-192
  2. Sai Anirudh Karre, Neeraj Mathur, Y. Raghu Reddy: Assessing New Hires’ Programming Productivity ThroughUMETRIX – An Industry Case Study [Under Review]


Images/Demo Video: https://serc.iiit.ac.in/resources/demos/umetrix

Link to the patent page: https://patents.google.com/patent/US11144430B2/en