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Two day workshop on Pranayam and Mudra

A two day workshop on Pranayam and Mudra was conducted on 9 and 10 April at Nirvana – NBH Yoga Hall. During the workshop various breathing techniques like  Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Surya Anulom Vilom, Surya Bhedi, Chandra Anulom Vilom, Chandra Bhedi, Nadi Shuddhi, Sheetali, Sheetakari, Sadanth, Bhramari as well as  different types of abdominal, shoulder and complete breathing techniques were taught. All these breathing exercises help in improving concentration, stability and in purifying and calming the mind.

The workshop also included the teaching of various mudras such as Chin, Chinmaya, Adi, Brahmma and Nasika mudra