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The Role of Diversity in Educational Institutions and Beyond – 26 – 28 Feb

The Cultural Wing of the Student’s Life Committee (SLC) organized a workshop on The Role of Diversity in Educational Institutions and Beyond. The aim of this workshop was to introduce participants to various aspects related to diversity in our society and learning to respect and appreciate each other’s cultural differences. The three day workshop had various programs and interaction sessions: 

 Old Monk in New Bottle (Age Diversity): This session dealt with generational gaps and discussed widely-faced ‘problems’ between parents/teachers/students

– Tere Mooh Mein Ghee Shakar (Alienation through words): Discussion on how our everyday words can alienate others around us. Participants were made to think about their unthinking usage of some words that can hurt others

– The Tower of Babel (Language Diversity): An activity-based session on language and diversity, importance of multilingualism in our education and life, how diversity in languages plays a pivotal role in our growth and understanding

– Phasad: Play on Religious Diversity and Harmony by “Abhivyakti ”

– Darna Mana Hain: “Movie Show” and discussion 

– Find the Odd one out (Identifying and Addressing Differences): People can experience deeply uncomfortable situations because of different language, region, economic and social backgrounds. In this session people from diverse backgrounds from outside the institute participated in the discussions on commonly encountered problems. Speakers shared their experiences of being ‘outsiders’ in a group. It also discussed how to deal with social interactions in a group where students come from different backgrounds

– Rainbow Rangam: A musical journey with Prof. Harjinder Singh on culture, creativity and diversity. 

Diversity=Multiplicity of Art: Display of art works on theme ‘Diversity= Multiplicity of Art’ by Sukka Karuna, an expedition to the tower of Babel with Prof Aditi Mukherjee and Prof Dipti Mishra Sharma

– Mile Kya Mera Tumahara: A social experiment to see how a diverse population can give you a much better solution to real life problems (teaching and research) than a uniform population