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The Neurosciences And Music – VII

Dr. Vinoo Alluri presented a summary of  10 years of her research work with her Finnish collaborators at The Neurosciences And Music – VII  symposium held in Aarhus from 18 – 21 June. 

Reference to Dr. Vinoo Alluri’s research work: 

Alluri, V. (2021). Investigating neural effects of musical training using the dynamic, model-free naturalistic paradigm. Symposium on Neurodynamics Of Complex Mental Processing: What Can (And Can’t) We Learn From Engagement With Full- Length Pieces Of Music. The Neurosciences And Music – VII Conference, Aarhus. 

The seventh edition of the Neuroscience and Music symposium included experts from all over the world, workshops, symposia, poster sessions and  keynote lectures.

More details at: https://www.fondazione-mariani.org/en/neuromusic7