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Music Concert by Prof. Subhendu Ghosh

February 2025

The Cultural Wing in coordination with the Music Club of SLC organized a classical music concert by Prof. Subhendu Ghosh on 12 May at the institute guest house – Sahana Athidi Nivas. Prof. Subhendu Ghosh was accompanied by Prof. Vinay Patankar on Harmonium (Director, R & D at Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology (KMIT), Hyderabad) and Sri. S Sandeep on tabla. He was trained under Ustad Shabbir Nisar, Hyderabad.

Prof. Subhendu Ghosh is a disciple of Ustad Hafeez Ahmed Khan of Rampur Gharana & Pt. Ramesh Nadkarni of Bhendi Bazar Gharana. Prof. Ghosh has performed at several places in India, USA, UK, Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia and Poland. He is a founder member of music groups Prathidhwani (Delhi), Sangwari (Delhi) and Dhun (Germany). He was the Head, Department of  BioPhysics at Delhi


Those who missed the live concert can enjoy Prof. Subhendu Ghosh and his teams music  by clicking here:  https://iiitaphyd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/pavan_pachava_students_iiit_ac_in/ER1-UvK4IMtCkLej93pdlVgByrSqK2p5yP9D0XE2p9k2tg?e=739JPp