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Talks by Dr. Ankit Gangwal

Dr. Ankit Gangwal gave the following talks:

  • Introduction to Layer-two Blockchains at the online C S Katha Barta talk series at National Institute of Science Education and Research  (NISER) Bhubaneshwar  9 February

More details at: https://www.niser.ac.in/~smishra/event/cskathabarta/


  • Scaling Blockchain with Off-chain Solutions at an online  workshop on Security & Privacy in Blockchain at Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT), Hyderabad on 16 February.

The aim of the Workshop was to discuss the current state of blockchain development and research in India and throughout the world and to disseminate blockchain technology knowledge among students, researchers, and academics. The ultimate purpose is to demonstrate technological progress.

The topics covered during the workshop were introduction to blockchain technology, role of cryptography in blockchain, privacy preservation of data in blockchain, consensus algorithms, use cases for banking and finance, regulatory landscape and hands-on a permissioned blockchain platform.

More details at: https://www.idrbt.ac.in/spbct.html