The following research students working under the supervision of Dr. Sujit Gujar are doing research internships at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and IISc Bangalore:
Sankarshan Damle doing his research Internship under the supervision of Prof. Dimitris Papadopoulos in Cybersecurity Laboratory, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) from15 July to 15 October.
The work involves designing a privacy-preserving crowdsourcing platform which preserves the identities and the data of the participants, while providing verifiability of the results. The platform will be deployed over the Ethereum blockchain as a smart contract. To achieve the desired security and privacy, they aim to utilise cryptogrpahic techniques such as zk-SNARKS, homomorphic encryptions, secure multi-party computation etc.
Kumar Abhishek did his two months summer research internship under the supervision of Prof. Y Narahari at Game Theory Lab, Computer Science and Automation (CSA) Department, IISc Bangalore.
The internship gave Kumar Abhishek an opportunity to interact with researchers at IISc Bangalore and learn about interesting problems they are working on. His research work was on problems related to reinforcement learning, game theory and fairness in Machine Learning.