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Shrenik Jain – Dual Degree CSE

Shrenik Jain received his MS  Dual Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). His research work was supervised by Dr. Suresh Purini. Here’s a summary of  Shrenik Jain’s thesis A Study on Stable Resource Allocation for Iaas in Multi-Cloud:

This work proposes a multi-cloud marketplace model for Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) layer with multiple cloud providers, intermediate brokers and end users. The brokers service end users subscribed to them by aggregating resources (virtual machines) from cloud providers while maximizing their profits. Similarly cloud providers (producers) allocate their supply of virtual machines to brokers (consumers) so as to maximize their profits. The notion of social welfare in this market structure is defined and two trading schemes are studied. The first scheme involves centralized control which aims at maximizing social welfare. The problem of maximizing the social welfare is formulated as an integer linear programming problem and a greedy algorithm is proposed for the same. However, this scheme may contain unstable producer-consumer pairs who have an incentive to deviate from the current allocation. The second scheme eliminates such unstable pairs by using a generalization of stable matching algorithm but may lead to sub-optimal social welfare. The stable matching algorithm proposed in this work is a particular way of generalizing the original Gale-Shapley deferred acceptance algorithm.