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ScTACE 2021

Faculty and students of IIITH presented the following papers at the 2nd International virtual Conference on Sustainable Construction Technologies and Advancements in Civil Engineering (ScTACE 2021) from 14 – 16 October conducted by Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women (SVECW), Bhimavaram.

  •  A BIM Based Approach of Electrical Network Analysis and Applications Using GIS Tools – Tejaswini Venkumahanti, Kesava Rao Pyla, Nagaraja Ravoori, Sinha S K and Rajan K S. Research work as explained by the authors: 

Building Information Modeling when embedded with Geographic Information System delivers versatile applications in the world of both Geo Spatial fields of studies as well as Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry. The current research is one such attempt to understand the power of Geographic Information System tools in building models especially in solving complicated network connections. Designing the electrical network and planning the circuitry information in such a way so as to avoid faulty or poor connections in between the inter circuit elements is successfully achieved with the help of this integration. Initially, building model is generated to the high level of detail and electrical fixtures are organized with in a power distribution system using Revit Architecture software. The virtual network wiring made in Building model is physically connected using three dimensional Polyline features in ARCGIS platform and the created Network of electrical elements is utilized for Geometric Network Analysis.


  •  Generation of LOD-2 3D Building Models from High Resolution Stereo Satellite Data Using Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry – Tejaswini Venkumahanti, Kesava Rao Pyla, Nagaraja Ravoori, Sinha S K and Rajan K S. Research work as explained by the authors: 

Building products designed at each level of details provide single window solution for Smart City applications. In view of this, the current study uses the tools and techniques to generate second level of detailed buildings that include building shape and height parameters. The extrusion from 2D is performed altogether in multiple platforms and 3D data handling softwares. The basic inputs considered for extracting the polygon shape files are obtained from high resolution stereo pair satellite images acquired using Cartosat-I imagery. Eight ground control points are collected using high precision Differential Global Positioning System having millimeters of accuracy. The image adjustments and Digital Surface Model are generated by using the process and concepts of Photogrammetry such as block creation using Rational Polynomial Coefficient text files, internal geometry set up such as interior and exterior orientation, Tie point generation and control point adjustments, and Automated Terrain Extraction. The thus obtained terrain model is overlaid on ortho photograph and the building heights are extracted and compared by using spatial profile graph as well as stereoscopic visualization methods. The height derived attribute tables are attached to corresponding building foot prints and are visualized in different GIS platforms.

These papers have been  accepted for publication in lecture notes in Civil Engineering – Springer (Scopus/Web of Science Indexed).